Being an avid internet shopper myself I know it’s difficult to make yourself available to receive goods when you are not sure when they’ll arrive. We’ve worked hard with out logistics provider to develop a system where you can select a specific day for your delivery.
Very simply. When you enter a delivery postcode at the Checkout, our system checks our provider’s delivery schedule and displays the next few available dates. You then select a date from the list and hey presto, your sake will be delivered as requested!
Some postcodes have daily Mon – Fri deliveries (London, for example) some only a couple of time a week.
In addition to selecting your delivery date, we will also send you a text message confirmation the evening before so you know your delivery is scheduled for the next day (NB – only works if you entered a mobile contact number). We will also email you on the day to confirm your order is out for delivery.
We hope our customers like this new functionality and it further helps you to order with confidence. As always, any questions feel free to contact us.